Sunday, February 24, 2019

MAYABINI MAYA (Episode - 04) !!!

MAYABINI MAYA (Episode - 04)

Location: Kennedy Space Station at Florida

Jeffrey: The countdown begins. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Go. 

Roger (Radio Signaling Expert): Vikram and Robin, is everything Ok.

Vikram: Everything working fine. Contact your station after landing on Moon. Over and out.


Location: Inside 'Appollini' Spacecraft

Robin: Its an awesome experience, isn't it ! Hey, what are these in these packets ? 

Vikram: Seedlings of Lettuce and Zinnia flowers. We will prepare a temporary camp on moon where we will station an automatic piping system. Three drums of 3 gallons of water each will be placed there. Three pipes will be attached to these drums. We will create a small farmland with small canals. On one side, we will plant Zinnia flowers seedling. On the other side, we will plant Lettuce leaves seedling. The pipes will supply water to the canal of 250 ml each after every 12 hours as per the timer set in the automatic pumping system. We will come back again on moon after 15 days to check whether both Zinnia flowers and Lettuce leaves are growing on this regolith, i.e. Lunar soil or not. Oh ! We are nearing the moon. Let us wear our spacesuits. Send the radio signal.


Location: Kennedy Space Station at Florida

Roger: Sir, we are getting the radio signal from 'Appollini'.

Jeffrey: Great ! Put me on the direct line. Hello ! Vikram and Robin. Current status please.

Robin: Sir, Vikram is already walking on moon. Now, I need to go and help him construct the temporary camp. A dusty wind is sometimes causing too much disturbances.

Jeffrey: Yeah, moon is dusty and those dust having contents of silicates. It may be allergic for our human skin. Within one hour or so, finish up your work and return to the base station. Over and out.


Location: Inside 'Appollini' Spacecraft

Robin: The navigator of our spacecraft is not working. We don't know where we are heading. 

Vikram: Oh ! No ! Connect to the base station.

Robin: It is also not working. Oh ! No ! We are going to die. 

Vikram: Don't panic. We have enough fuel to travel for another 48 hours. Even oxygen and foods are there for us to survive for another 72 hours. Press the green button of the Space Locator System (SLS). A Unique Code of our spaceship is tagged with the 'Hawkie' Satellite. Let us see where we are in the Space. Oh ! No ! We are going in different direction. Reverse the spaceship by 180 degrees. 

Robin: Yeah ! trying to do that. Damn it, due to much pressure, one oxygen tank just exploded at the backside of this spacecraft. Shut all the inner doors. Come on ! We are going to die in space. 


Location: Kennedy Space Station at Florida

Roger: We are not getting any radio signal from 'Appollini' spacecraft since 1 hour or so. They told us that they boarded the spacecraft, but, after that, we got no signal from them. 

Jeffrey: Just now, Leonardo gave me the information that a few minutes earlier, the 'Hawkie' satellite had its images on Space. The 'Appollini' somehow travelled in different direction. They may reverse their direction if they are smart enough to see the images of 'Hawkie' satellite. Otherwise, again a news of a lost spacecraft of NASA. Why so much hazards take place while returning back to Earth from Space ? Is there any curse associated with it ! We may lose our top space scientists. No manned spacecraft journeys from now on, till you guys create a 100% accurate and secured spacecraft.

Roger: Sir, please don't shout, don't be so excited. We can understand your emotions. We are trying our level best. We can only pray to God that they come back safely.


Location: Inside the Mayabi Planet

Robin: Hurrah ! Finally, God has listened to our prayers. Our Spacecraft has entered the Earth planet. 

Vikram: Almost half of this spacecraft is burning with fire. This spacecraft cannot have a safe landing. Let us tie up the parachutes with our body to go for an emergency landing. There is no time to wait and watch. Come on, let us jump.


Location: Royal Palace of Ulkahrad Kingdom

Arkadios (King of Bersei Kingdom): What is that sound ? Maybe, some enemies have attacked our Kingdom. Symphony, please take charge of the situation.

Symphony Symboli (Warrior-In- Chief of Ulkahrad Kingdom): Yes, Your Highness !


Location: At the foothills of Mt. Bhayankara and nearer to Ulkahrad Lake.

Robin: I think that we have landed in Japan. This must be Mount Fuji and this is the Lake Kawaguchi. Even look at the leaves of those trees. So colorful ! Thank God ! We are alive ! We are in Japan ! USA is not so far away. 

Vikram: You get carried away so easily. This is not Japan. This is a volcanic lake. It is bubbling. If I throw any animal in this lake, within a few minutes its skeleton will start floating in the lake.

Robin: Look there. Some soldiers are running towards us. No, no, we are not in Japan. Japanese soldiers are not so tall and their face is not non-mongoloid.

Vikram: Come on, let us run towards that jungle nearby.

Symphony: Don't try to run away, otherwise, we may cause harm to your body. Both of you have to go to our Royal Palace to meet our King Arkadios.


Location: CNN News Studio at Washington

Katie (TV Anchor): A few minutes ago, NASA has confirmed that 'Appollini' spacecraft is lost in the space.


Location: Royal Palace of Bersai Kingdom

King Arkadios: We are amazed and surprised to hear that aliens do exist. We never thought that there is another planet where social animals like any Mayabini exists. Don't worry, we also have several Space Research Centers. Our space scientists will help both of you so that you can return to your planet safely. Till that time, both of you are our guests.


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