Sunday, May 12, 2019



Location: Inside the cave of Aainangara mountain

Arindam: Quite dark out here. 

Beerjabilla: Don't worry, we have 'Zonabaati'. We cut any 'Narkol' fruit into two halves. Then we keep around 10 to 15 Zona insects inside a half portion and tie the open portion with a transparent fibre cloth. This light works well in darkness and will never expire till those Zona insects die.

Neil: Looks weird, but, it is just putting fireflies in a half of coconut fruit and tying its mouth with a plastic. 'Firefly Torch'. Not so bad. But, how you guys manage to catch hold of so many Zona insects ? It is not an easy task, I think. Oh ! wait, wait, where are we ?

Maya: It is a Mirror Maze. Mirrors everywhere and a small lane in between.

Samuel: This is a danger zone. Be careful ! 

Beerjabilla: Behind some mirrors are the den of young Dragonasias. There are holes in between mirrors. Dragonasias emit a peculiar sound, 'Hush hush hush hush'. Stay away from the mirrors where you can hear that kind of a sound. Pin drop silence for a moment please. Let us hear the sounds. 

Maya (whispering): I have an idea. One Mayabini will walk through the lane and will mark a cross sign with this chalk on that mirror from which the 'Hush hush' sound is coming out. We will follow that Mayabini but will take a jump in front of those cross signed mirrors to avoid fires of young Dragonasias.

Bhavesh Bhawani (whispering): Great idea ! I will lead the way. Follow me.

Neal (whispering and smiling): Baah ! What an idea ! Madam ji ! Though that mobile connection is not in this planet ! Ha ha ha.

Maya (whispering): Thank you ! But be serious. If anyone gets injured due to Dragonasias fire, then we have to go back to the village again to start the mission again. Now, come on, let us move on.


Suzanne: Something is wrong somewhere. We are basically walking round and round. See, for two times, we are back again to the starting point. Oh ! a Dragonasia emitted fire at my right hand. Though, a minor pain. What I am trying to say, we are moving round and round. Find out the path.

Arindam: Are we missing out something ?

Maya: Maybe, the meaning of that line, 'Left to Eighth, go by THREE.' This is the starting point. Count the eighth mirror from here on the left side. Just break that mirror.

Samuel: Ok, let us do it. 

Beerjabilla: The mirror breaks and its just the wall of the cave. 

Arindam: On how many mirrors have you given the cross sign ?

Bhavesh Bhabani: Eleven mirrors. 

Arindam: I think we have to break the 8th mirror where we have made the cross sign and then we have to kill the Dragonasias inside it to march forward. 

Beerjabilla: Yes, I was thinking something of that type. Earlier, this mountain was known as Gnomok mountain. King Zudas renamed this mountain as 'Aainangara' and transformed this cave into a mirror maze ! But, why ? Don't worry, I knew there might be some dangers inside the cave. That's why, I brought 20 best soldiers with me. Soldiers, be prepared to fight with the young Dragonasias.

Samuel: Don't underestimate our soldiers. It should be a joint venture. 


Neil: Dangerous creatures ! 9 young Dragonasias killed 13 soldiers. But, well fought soldiers. 

Beerjabilla: Now, find out the third mirror.

Arindam: Well, this is the 3rd mirror from the left side. That is the 3rd mirror from the right side. Which one to break ?

Maya: The mirror which has no reflection. 

Samuel: Yes, here is this mirror, that is, in the 3rd mirror from the right side, there is no reflection.

Arindam: Break the mirror. But, we don't know what is there inside ?


Neil: Oh ! No ! A demon in chains on his legs. He can move around this chamber while in chains too. A round shaped lid at the ceiling of this chamber. Maybe, from here, food is given to the prisoner.

Arindam: Who are you ? 

Demon Angara: I am demon Angara, the lover of Princess Zinta. Kindly unchain me. King Zudas has kept Princess Zinta in a special prison of  'Pataalpuri'. 

Samuel: Ok, soldiers, unchain him, but be careful.


Demon Angara : Unless and until you accept my deal, you cannot get out of this cave. The exit door of the cave will open if and only if I permit it. Your friend Neil will remain with me till you succeed to release Zinta from the prison. 

Neil: Oh ! No ! 

Demon Angara: I dislike eating any Dragonasia's meat but as I sometimes eat them, these Dragonasias work as my slaves out of fear. The soldiers of King Zudas created a mirror maze, chained me up inside it and also kept some young Dragonasias. Everyday for 3 times, that lid at the ceiling of this chamber gets opened to provide the foods for me. From now onwards, you, the tribal leader, must arrange for good foods for me and this fellow. Not necessary that the food has to be non-vegetarian only.

Neil: Neil ! My name is Neil. By the way,  where is this Pataalpuri ?

Demon Angara: That's the exit door of the cave facing south. But at the western direction, there is a round shaped black door. You open it and then enter into Pataalpuri. In Pataalpuri, Lomeru, the King of Badurrah species will help you. 

Arindam: What's the guarantee that you will not eat Neil ?

Demon Angara: I don't eat the flesh of any Mayabini. Rather, I love a Mayabini, Zinta.


Maya: I, Samuel and Suzanna will go with Arindam in Pataalpuri. Beerjabilla will provide the foods to Neil and Angara. Bhavesh, you go back to Bersai Kingdom to bring more forces here, if possible.

Bhavesh: Ok ! Best of Luck !


Location: In Pataalpuri

Arindam: Somewhat dark out here. We are just walking on rocky cliffs. Where should we go ?

Lomeru (A voice got heard): Ha ha ha ha, welcome to Pataalpuri. Just walk straight for another 5 minutes to reach to my palace. 


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